Fertility acupuncture, frequently combined with herbal medicine, has been used for centuries to treat infertility. It can help by improving many conditions and serving to increase your chances of conception. We often recommend that both partners get a consultation with us. In about 40% of infertile couples the man is the sole cause or a contributing cause of the inability to conceive. One-third of infertility cases can be attributed to male problems, including low sperm count.
Fertility acupuncture can help you with many conditions. Our team of fertility specialist can help you if you are trying to get pregnant and suffering with PCOS, Endometriosis, Male fertility, low sperm, FSH and AMH issues, advanced maternal age, poor ovarian reserve, and any other reproductive condition affecting your fertility and ability to get pregnant.
Take control of your fertility today and click the links below for more information about how Reproductive Wellness and Fertility Acupuncture can help to increase your fertility
Have questions about your specific fertility goals? Schedule a free consultation using the form on the right to meet with one of our fertility specialists. Don’t worry, we offer free consultations via Skype if you are not located near our fertility center in San Diego.
It’s only Tuesday and she is the third patient I have seen with these symptoms this week. She is hopeful and motivated, but confused by her inability to become pregnant. A comprehensive history tells me how much she has been through already, but doesn’t provide me with the data I am seeking. I probe further, […]
The Hidden Infertility Factor: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Read More »
Low sperm count and infertility in men is more prevalent than most couples think. There is an equal chance that male factor infertility can be the cause of not getting pregnant as much as a fertility issue being with the woman. Studies show that while 40% of the time infertility is the result of the
Low Sperm Count, Poor Motility & Poor Morphology Read More »
Endometriosis is when the tissues of the endometrium lining of the uterus grow outside of the uterus. The endometrium is the inner mucosal lining of the uterus. In women with endometriosis the displaced tissues function and are influenced by hormones just as a normal endometrium would. This means that these displaced tissues go through the
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Elevated FSH High FSH FSH, or follicle-stimulating hormone, is a naturally occurring hormone that is made by the pituitary gland in the body. If the FSH levels are either low or high, it is a clear indicator that something is out of balance within the reproductive system. While FSH levels are used to determine if
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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) affects 5%-10% of women in North America and is the leading cause of infertility. Women with PCOS have high levels of male hormones (androgens), which play a role in blocking the release of the egg from the follicle. As a result, the ovaries fill with cysts or
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Unexplained infertility is discussed often in our office. Many couples come in frustrated that they do not have a diagnosis for their fertility struggles. A diagnosis of unexplained infertility is given to about 25% of couples with infertility. When we see this in our office we actually think this is a positive situation. Many times it
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Preparing for Conception Preparing mind and body for conception and pregnancy is critical to a successful course of treatment. The following steps are highly recommended to significantly enhance fertility: Optimum Fertility Signs and Times It may sound straight forward, but knowing exactly when you’re ovulating and recognizing the physical signs indicating when you’re at the
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Common causes of infertility There are many causes of infertility, and issues regarding infertility that can be related to either female factors (present in about 35% of infertile couples), male factors (present in another 35% of infertile couples), a combination of male and female factors (present in 20% of couples) or it can completely unexplained
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Common low sperm reasons as a cause of male infertility When a couple is unable to conceive a child, the woman and the man generally undergo fertility testing. For the man the analysis of the sperm takes into consideration two aspects. The first aspect is the sperm count. A normal sperm count is considered to
Common low sperm reasons as a cause of male infertility Read More »