San Diego Wellness Center Acupuncture Reduces Stress for IVF Success
In vitro fertilization or IVF is a form of assisted reproductive technology which helps couples who have fertility problems. This is one of many infertility treatments available today, and while it might not be the most popular, it is one of the most viable options for those who have tried just about everything to conceive. According to an article at, a 2014 study on the Human Reproduction publication have found that women who have high levels of stress also have lower chances of being successful with their IVF treatment. Here are some tips from a San Diego wellness center to reduce stress and boost the effects of IVF.
Frequent Acupuncture Appointments
There have already been studies in the past that claim acupuncture can help get you pregnant. However, the researchers cannot seem to agree if it’s true or not. It’s not until recently when an American Society for Reproductive Medicine publication cited on HealthCMi’s blog put forward undeniable evidence that acupuncture is effective in reducing stress in women, hence facilitating better chances of pregnancy. The study compared the results between women who received one acupuncture treatment and women who went in for several acupuncture appointments before their embryo transfer. The researchers found that women who had frequent acupuncture treatments had significantly lower stress-levels, which can help along the IVF treatment. A different study also suggests that traditional Chinese medicine like acupuncture are linked to higher live birth success rates for IVF.
Other Ways to Unwind
Still, acupuncture alone is not the only thing that can help lower stress. Women might have to undergo a change of lifestyle if they’re undergoing the IVF treatment, taking the path with the least stress. Don’t engage in stressful activities and don’t take on any extra responsibilities that would leave you otherwise exhausted. Meditative yoga can also help keep a low-key environment. Avoid anything that can have a negative effect on your mood as much as possible. You could try listening to relaxing music or do a little light reading while enjoying the calming aromas of scented candles.
Diet also plays a big role on your pregnancy and the treatment. Focus on eating healthier by having a planned diet every day. Do some research on the specific foods that can not only fulfill the daily nutritional requirements but also reduce stress levels and increase the chances of a successful treatment.
Acupuncture and a healthier lifestyle can boost your progress with IVF. Go to San Diego fertility clinics like Reproductive Wellness for more infertility treatment options that can improve your chances of becoming pregnant.
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Hi Marc,
I am 30 years old & my husband is 31. we have been trying to conceive from the past 3 years. the last 1 year we underwent 5 cycles of IUI with no success. My last hormone result i.e. six months agois as follows;
TSH: 3.21
Prolactin: 9.87
FSH: 7.78
Estradiol: 31.30
AMH: 3.32
All these were done on the 3rd day of my menses. My menses are regular with 27 days cycle with normal flow for 4 days, spotting on the 5th day. I have been visiting a acupuncturist every month(4 cycles) for working on my endometrium blood flow (currently it is in zone 2). In all these cycles, we monitored my stats through a pelvic doppler test (TVS), my follicles grew & ruptured on their own. But from the last three cycles I have suddenly stopped ovulating. the follicles are growing till 13mm but not further. Last cycle it grew to 18mm (only by day 19 whereas my ovulation is normally on 14th day) but again didnt rupture.
This cycle again seems to be a same case. On day 7 the size was 10mm & the size remained 10mm even on day 11. I have a scan tomorrow to check the progress. Do you think I should do my hormone tests again to check if the FSH and/or AMH is going up & down and causing this ?
waiting for your revert.
Thanks & Regards,