Male Fertility Specialists
As a trusted reproduction center for those in San Diego, Poway, and Carlsbad areas concerned about male fertility, Reproductive Wellness focuses on a natural approach to issues that may prevent you from conceiving a baby with your spouse or partner. Perhaps you are working with male fertility specialists regarding unexplained infertility, or have a low sperm count. Nutrition, physical and emotional health, and your overall sense of well-being all have an impact on fertility.
Our wellness center believes strongly in holistic fertility, providing treatment customized to the unique needs of our clients. Depending on your specific issues it may be that acupuncture, nutrition, integrative medicine, a focus on improving physical health, or a combination of these methods is necessary to address your male fertility concerns. Just as is often the case with women, men can have a hormone imbalance that impacts fertility. Other causes of low sperm count include processed foods that contain soy or even hormones, stress, consuming excess amounts of alcohol, smoking, and more.
Ultimately, you can take control of your male fertility issues through proper nutrition, exercise, improving emotional well-being and eliminating stress, and even through the use of Chinese, Western, and integrative medicine. Whether you are looking for a way to make your efforts with male fertility doctors more effective or want to address your health and achieve healthy fertility through a natural approach, our professionals are dedicated specialists who focus on holistic fertility. We invite those in San Diego and surrounding areas to contact us now to learn more at 858-381-2281.